About Me:

I am a wife, mom of 3 teenagers, and I love to read. I do not limit myself to one genre, but do have some that I prefer. Depending on my mood I will choose a book from RomCom, Romance, Dark Romance, Suspense/Thriller, YA, NA, and SciFi/Fantasy. I would love to share the books I read with you so that you may enjoy them too!

It takes so much courage for an author to put their work out there for the public to read. Then to subject themselves to the opinions of those readers. You will not find disrespectful reviews on this page. Even if a book is not for me, it may be something someone else enjoys. I will not belittle or be nasty to any author, regardless of subject matter. No bashing of person or writing will be tolerated.

My goal by creating this blog is to help authors get their books noticed and to help introduce readers to authors they may not usually read.

Also, please note that any links contained on this website I DO NOT profit from. I do receive advanced reader copies of some of the books I review, but I promise to never let that sway my true feelings on the piece of work.

I am willing to help out as many authors/PAs/promotion companies as I can, but please know that my calendar doesn't always allow for a certain time frame. Please feel free to contact me and I can see if I am able to help. This is a one woman show ;) You can visit my Facebook Page (Like/Follow) at https://www.facebook.com/Reading-Escape-Reviews-279044492594921/ and my email is readingescapereviews@gmail.com

Thank you for stopping by! Oh, and be sure to get on the 2017 Goodreads Reading Challenge. I will be asking periodically for your actual and goal number!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Cover Reveal - All of You All of Me by Claudia Burgoa

Title: All of You All of Me
Author: Claudia Burgoa
Genre: Adult Contemporary
Cover Design: Hang Le
Photograph: Wander Aguiar
Model: Forest T.
Release Date: August 9, 2017


One heinous tragedy changed my entire family forever. 
That morning, my world crumbled. I lost my parents. 

Now, I live by certain rules.
Don’t let anyone know what goes on inside your head.
Stay away from crowds. 
Never fall in love.
Though, that was until her. She has me questioning everything. 

It’s the haunted eyes. 
The sultry voice. 
The sweetness under her armor.
Everything about her captivates me. The surge of energy we create with one touch has me searching for her, even when there’s also something dark underneath her bright smile. 

Unable to resist the desire toward her, I break my rules giving her all of me while expecting all of her.

Pre-order Links

99c for a limited time


Amazon Live Release Alert

Author Bio

Born on the mystical day of October 30th in the not so mystical lands of Mexico City, Claudia grew up with a childhood that resembled a caffeine-injected soap opera. Seventeen years ago she ventured to the lands of her techie husband—a.k.a. the U.S.—with their offspring to start a new adventure. 

She now lives in Colorado working for a small IT company, managing her household filled with three confused dogs, said nerd husband, two daughters wrought with fandoms and a son who thinks he’s the boss of the house. To survive she works continually to find purpose for the voices flitting through her head, plus she consumes high quantities of chocolate to keep the last threads of sanity intact.

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