About Me:

I am a wife, mom of 3 teenagers, and I love to read. I do not limit myself to one genre, but do have some that I prefer. Depending on my mood I will choose a book from RomCom, Romance, Dark Romance, Suspense/Thriller, YA, NA, and SciFi/Fantasy. I would love to share the books I read with you so that you may enjoy them too!

It takes so much courage for an author to put their work out there for the public to read. Then to subject themselves to the opinions of those readers. You will not find disrespectful reviews on this page. Even if a book is not for me, it may be something someone else enjoys. I will not belittle or be nasty to any author, regardless of subject matter. No bashing of person or writing will be tolerated.

My goal by creating this blog is to help authors get their books noticed and to help introduce readers to authors they may not usually read.

Also, please note that any links contained on this website I DO NOT profit from. I do receive advanced reader copies of some of the books I review, but I promise to never let that sway my true feelings on the piece of work.

I am willing to help out as many authors/PAs/promotion companies as I can, but please know that my calendar doesn't always allow for a certain time frame. Please feel free to contact me and I can see if I am able to help. This is a one woman show ;) You can visit my Facebook Page (Like/Follow) at https://www.facebook.com/Reading-Escape-Reviews-279044492594921/ and my email is readingescapereviews@gmail.com

Thank you for stopping by! Oh, and be sure to get on the 2017 Goodreads Reading Challenge. I will be asking periodically for your actual and goal number!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

New Release -- Thieves2Lovers by K. Webster & J.D. Hollyfield

Thieves 2 Lovers

by K. Webster and J.D. Hollyfield 2 Lovers Series #3 (May be read as standalone) Publication Date: July 25, 2017 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romantic Comedy
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Best friends aren’t supposed to kiss. But these best friends did. He can’t get the taste of her lips off his mind. She can’t let go of the guilt from her mistake. He wants to be good enough for her. She wishes life were different. He’s the bad boy reject. She’s the girl next door. When opposites attract, they collide and create an explosion that can’t be ignored. Is it possible to be madly in love with your best friend? Love follows no rules because love is a rebel. Her: We should talk about what’s happening… Him: It’s about damn time.

Hate 2 Lovers

by K. Webster and J.D. Hollyfield 2 Lovers Series #2 (May be read as standalone) Publication Date: April 4, 2017 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romantic Comedy
She hates him and his big head. He likes her and her big t*ts. She hates him because she somehow ends up naked every time she sees him. He likes her because she somehow ends up naked every time he sees her. She hates him because the big oaf knocked her up with his kid. He likes her because she’s carrying his child. She hates the way he gets inside her head. He likes the way she lets him see glimpses of her heart. Andie: I hate you. Roman: I know…but I’m going to change that. ***This is book two in the series. It is best if you read book one first to fully understand this couple’s story.***
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks
It’s the start of nothing good. I fired off a storm of raunchy text messages…to the wrong number. And he replied. Him: Show me a picture. Him: Tell me your name. Why does the lure of anonymity have me craving to indulge a stranger? It’s the start of everything right. I received a slew of text messages…when everything in my life was wrong. And she made me laugh again. Her: You’re probably a creeper. Her: Possibly a stalker. Why do I have the overwhelming need to find this stranger who saved me and make her mine? Him: Take a chance with me. Her: This is crazy. Him: I need to see you. Her: What are we doing? Him: We’re about to find out. Her: PHOTO ATTACHED Him: PHOTO ATTACHED

About K. Webster

K Webster2
K Webster is the author of dozens romance books in many different genres including contemporary romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, and erotic romance. When not spending time with her husband of twelve years and two adorable children, she’s active on social media connecting with her readers. Her other passions besides writing include reading and graphic design. K can always be found in front of her computer chasing her next idea and taking action. She looks forward to the day when she will see one of her titles on the big screen. You can easily find K Webster on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Goodreads! Website: www.authorkwebster.com Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bllgoP

About J.D. Hollyfield

Author JD Hollyfield 
 Creative designer, mother, wife, writer, part time superhero… J.D. Hollyfield is a creative designer by day and superhero by night. When she is not trying to save the world one happy ending at a time, she enjoys the snuggles of her husband, son and three doxies. With her love for romance, and head full of book boyfriends, she was inspired to test her creative abilities and bring her own story to life. Life in a Rut, Love not Included is her Debut Novel. J.D. Hollyfield lives in the Midwest, and is currently at work on blowing the minds of readers, with the additions of her new books and series, along with her charm, humor and HEA’s.

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